Low-Cost Website Design? Yes, Please!

What to do when you need to make it work with what you’ve got.

Woman walking in front of white wall with jacket slung over her shoulder.

So you need a low-cost website design? Maybe you’re setting up a new biz, you’re ready to refresh the site you DIY’ed, or maybe you need to pivot.

You’ve set a budget and are ready to start the hunt for the right website designer to elevate your site with a holistic representation of your business.

You’re excited! Which designer is going to “get” the right aesthetic? Who can help you set up a site that is strategically planned for the right clients? Who can make you and your offers stand out in the digital crowd?

You’re scrolling Insta, scanning Pinterest, and clicking more links from a Google search page than you ever have before. You leave no stone left unturned. No site left unclicked.

Then, you find THE ONE. That designer — the one who’s creating websites that just look like YOU. They’d get you, and they’d get your biz, too.

You navigate to their services, find the package that works for you, and then you see it…


…and it’s way over budget.

Automatic defeat? Nope. No way.

If you’ve ever sat staring at your screen in disbelief at the cost of an impactful website design, I’ve got you.

This post’s for you.

Woman sitting at desk prepping to work on a low-cost website design.

Can You Have a Quality Low-Cost Website Design Experience?


Maybe you can’t hire a design firm to build the whole thing from scratch, but there are pathways to a low-cost website design process that takes you, your branding, your offers, and your messaging into account.

So, you’re on a budget. From my perspective, you’ve got two options:

  1. Website Templates: These are pre-designed templates that have already been intuitively created for the type of business you’re running. The idea is that you can take the structure and design of the template, plug in your own photos and copy, and you’re done! This is the most low-cost website design option available, but it will require some time and effort on your part to complete. You can read more about website template options here.
  2. Semi-Custom Design: 👈 We’re really here to chat about this. This option exists for the biz owner who needs to move the web design process off her to-do list but also needs to “make it work” with a specific budget. I’m a big fan of this low-cost website design option because you get an expert’s eyes on your site for a fraction of the cost of a custom build.

You CAN have the site you’ve always wanted. You CAN have a site that matches your brand aesthetic and is engaging for your clients. You CAN DIY it with a template or semi-custom design it.

Wanna know more about the semi-custom design process? I thought you might. 😊

Close up of woman holding a computer in from of a tan wall.

How does semi-custom design actually work?

When you decide to build out your website with LRC’s semi-custom design, you’ll pick one of our fully customizable LRC Signature Templates, and I’ll do the rest to turn it into a website that works for your biz (and one you’ll be proud of, too).

LRC offers five different template options to start with. Pick the one that most closely matches your aesthetic and layout preferences and we’ll change out the rest!

The pros?

>> quick turnaround time (you get it in one week!!!) 😄

>> professional design (my eyes are on every choice for your site) 👩‍💻

>> affordable price tag (you can have your cake and eat it, too!) 🍰

>> completely customizable (this one is my favorite. see why…) 👇

For me, the customizable part is a double-pro. LRC works exclusively with Showit simply because of how intuitive and customizable their website platform is. Don’t like the fonts in our templates? Swap them out for your own choices. Got your own brand color palette? Toss it into any template — no problem.

It’s always “keep what you love, change what you don’t, and finish with a standout website.”

Woman snuggled on cozy coach with computer, working on a low-cost website design.

When I started LRC, I wanted to create space for YOU to have access to website design that is a holistic representation of who you are and the values your business represents. And I didn’t want a price tag to be a barrier to the website your biz needs to thrive.

So there are options, no matter what phase of business you’re in. Options that fit your schedule, your design expertise, and most importantly, your budget.

Not sure which design service is right for you? Let’s chat. No pressure, ever. Talk to you soon!

the do-it-yourself option

the hybrid option

Semi-Custom Website Design

Customizable Website Templates

Drag + Drop
Zero Coding
Minimum Wait

the done-for-you option

Custom Showit Website Design

Less Hassle
Quick Turnaround




Tailor-Made Design
Stronger Strategy
Maximum Impact

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